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Be a Part of Something Extraordinary

At Taos Pride, we believe in the power of community, and our events wouldn’t be possible without the dedication and support of volunteers like you. Join us in creating unforgettable experiences, fostering connections, and celebrating love, diversity, and unity.

Why Volunteer with Taos Pride?

  • Make an Impact: Your time and talents can make a meaningful difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals in Taos. Whether you’re assisting with event logistics, outreach efforts, or community initiatives, your contribution helps us create spaces where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.
  • Build Connections: Volunteering with Taos Pride is more than just lending a helping hand; it’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, forge new friendships, and become part of a vibrant and supportive community. Together, we can inspire change and make a positive impact on the world around us.
  • Gain Experience: Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or new to community involvement, there’s something for everyone at Taos Pride. From event planning and coordination to outreach and advocacy, volunteering with us offers valuable hands-on experience and the chance to develop new skills.

How You Can Help

We have a variety of volunteer opportunities available, including:

  • Event Setup and Breakdown
  • Greeters and Information Booth Attendants
  • Assistance with Performer Coordination
  • Social Media and Marketing Support
  • Community Outreach and Engagement
  • Photography and Videography
  • And much more!

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][edgtf_separator position=”center” width=”800″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][edgtf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-bicycle” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”edgtf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”PRIDE IN THE PARK” text=”Community Partner Coordinators
Emergency Exit Co-Coordinators
Stage and Entertainer Coordinators
Pride Tent Manager
Entertainment Stage Manager”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][edgtf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-arrows” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”edgtf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS” text=”Graphic Designers
Moderation Team
Neighborhood Community Liaison
Public Relations
Social Media
Web Designer
Web Programmer”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][edgtf_icon_with_text icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-film” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”normal” icon_size=”edgtf-icon-tiny” icon_animation=”” title=”FILM FESTIVAL” text=”Film Fest Coordinators
Film Reviewers
Merch Table Attendants”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][edgtf_project_presentation image=”19438″ type=”presentation-right” show_button=”yes” link_target=”_blank” pagination=”yes” autoplay=”3″ skin=”dark” title=”Join the Team: Sign Up Today!” subtitle=”Ready to make a difference and be part of something extraordinary? Fill out the volunteer form below to let us know how you’d like to get involved. Whether you can commit a few hours or lend your expertise on a regular basis, we welcome volunteers of all backgrounds and skill levels.” button_text=”VOLUNTEER HERE” images=”742″ link=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VRgbF52Ac_PxQ7iCPot2UMDkRNi25J42VucxWINCy2Q/prefill”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Spread the Word

Know someone who would be a great fit for our volunteer team? Share this page with them and help us expand our reach and impact in the Taos community.


If you have any questions or need more information about volunteering with Taos Pride, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [Contact Email/Phone]. We’re here to help and can’t wait to welcome you to the team!

Thank you for your support and commitment to Taos Pride![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]